Combining extensive research and design process, with natural materials and skilful artisans, BEHOPUSTUDIO creates sustainable well-designed objects of high quality handcrafted with care.

BEHOPUSTUDIO is a Design Studio providing solutions upon space, products and services. It is based in Athens, Greece and mainly focuses on the development of lighting fixtures, furniture and objects of daily life. It was founded in 2018 by architect and product designer Spyros Alysandratos.

The word Behopu is coming from the first letters of the words Beautiful-Honest-Pure which are the main values of BEHOPUSTUDIO and it’s related with Plato’s Good-True-Beautiful. Beautiful stands for elegant design, Honest for the fact that the form serves the function with only the necessary elements, Pure for simplicity and humbleness of forms and use of natural materials.

BEHOPUSTUDIO was born from the desire of creating elegant honest useful objects with which people interact through their senses building an experience full of emotions with touch is in the centre.


Spyros Alysandratos

Spyros Alysandratos studied Architecture at National Technical University of Athens, Greece and earned an MSc on Strategic Product Design at International Hellenic University (Thessaloniki, Greece).

He began his professional career as a freelance designer of spaces, objects and services earning distinctions and awards in competitions.

He believes that when an object serves its purpose with sincerity it becomes both functional and beautiful making our world a better place.